Blog 6/06/24

Weekly Spotlight 6/7/24 – 6/13/24

Recent Events In Chicago Underscore Need For Self-Protection

Over the first weekend in June, three separate concealed carry license holders in Chicago exercised their right of self-defense. These incidents underscore how Americans today are taking their self-protection into their own hands to stop their attackers. 

In each incident, the victim was able to flip the script on the assailant with decisive action to defend themselves and their property. In one incident, an attempted carjack was stopped because the victim pulled out his weapon to ward off his attackers. Similarly, another concealed carry holder was able to thwart a home invasion, firing shots at the intruder, who then retreated.

These events occurred on the heels of an op-ed by Rob Chadwick, Director of Education and Training for The U.S. Concealed Carry Association, in the Chicago Tribune on how a growing number of Americans are filling the void in the absence of law enforcement and taking self-defense into their own hands until authorities can arrive.

In the piece, Chadwick points out, “We are now faced with an even greater responsibility of protecting ourselves and our loved ones until first responders can help. We know that even under the most fortunate circumstances, it can take more than mere minutes for help to arrive.” For these victims of violence in Chicago, safely arming themselves before law enforcement could arrive made all the difference.

As more and more Americans continue to arm themselves for this reason, the USCCA remains committed and ready to train and educate firearm owners to ensure they are safely and responsibly able to do so. 

 Join us in advocating for sensible legislative solutions that 

protect our freedoms and help save lives!


One of the many problems with the Democratic Party’s stance on gun control is that Democrats are already loathe to enforce existing gun laws when dealing with criminals. Last week, an off-duty Metropolitan Police Department officer in Washington, D.C., was shot, sending him to the hospital. The suspects had been driving erratically, cutting the officer off multiple times before one of them exited the car and shot at the officer through his windshield.

With the deadline looming to pass bills out of their respective chambers this legislative session, anti-gun lawmakers in the California House and Senate approved three anti-gun measures that would infringe on the rights of law-abiding citizens while not affecting violent criminals. Assembly 2917 was approved by the Assembly and now heads to the state Senate for consideration. The measure expands upon California’s existing Gun Violence Protective Order to allow the court to also consider “threats” directed towards a group or location when deciding whether to issue the order.

For the second time in as many years, an assault weapons ban in Colorado has failed. Senator Julie Gonzalez, co-sponsor of the bill, asked for the proposed legislation to be shelved on May 6. With the legislative session waning, Gonzalez said there wouldn’t be enough time or support to move forward with the ban before lawmakers leave the capitol on May 8. Similar legislation failed to gain traction by lawmakers in 2023.

On July 4, Louisiana will become the 29th state to allow residents to carry a concealed weapon without a permit. The new regulations, which were proposed by Senator Blake Miguez, R-New Iberia, during the second special session, let anyone over the age of 18 carry a gun without a permit unless they are not allowed to have any weapons due to previous felonies. Stipulations on the new regulation include: – No concealed handgun can be brought into a place where firearms are banned by state or federal law. – Property owners, lessees and lawful custodians are not allowed to prohibit people from possessing handguns. – No individual can bring a concealed firearm into a private residence without permission.