Blog 4/11/24

ICYMI: 2024 Election Stakes For U.S. Gun Owners Could Not be Higher, USCCA-FSL Action Fund Leader Argues in New Op-Ed

USCCA-FSL Action Fund Executive Director penned a new op-ed in the Daily Caller highlighting the potential that responsible gun owners have as a voting coalition in 2024

West Bend, WI – In case you missed it, U.S. Concealed Carry Association for Saving Lives Action Fund (USCCA-FSL Action Fund) Chairman of the Board & Executive Director Katie Pointer Baney recently authored a new op-ed in the Daily Caller titled: “Gun Owners Must Remember What’s At Stake In 2024 Election.”  In the piece, Katie lays out what law-abiding gun owners need to know going into what will be the longest general election season in recent memory, and argues that they can be an influential voting bloc if they get engaged. 

Below are some key excerpts from the op-ed. 

  • “One sizable voter bloc that can and should significantly impact the elections is law-abiding gun owners. An increasing number of voters from both parties are concerned about violent crime and rightly place the safety of their families as a crucial priority, according to Pew Research. Running parallel to this trend is gun ownership reaching a record high across America, with 52 percent of voters saying they or a member of their household owns a gun.”
  • “The gap between Second Amendment advocates and detractors is growing wider by the day. President Biden and anti-gun members of Congress have called for sweeping bans on entire classifications of firearms, including those that are most commonly used for home and self-defense. They have supported efforts to track and essentially surveil law-abiding gun owners’ purchases at gun stores. And they’ve called for other policies that would only restrict the rights of American gun owners while doing nothing to punish actual criminals and address the root problems of violent crime.”
  • “Anti-gun groups like Everytown and Moms Demand Action – some of which are financially backed by billionaires Michael Bloomberg and George Soros – have signaled that they plan to “spend big” in the 2024 elections to ensure that candidates who support their radical anti-gun agenda gain public office. Some have already surpassed pro-Second Amendment groups in fundraising during the early part of the year. This highlights the even greater need for everyday Americans to step up and get involved in the political process.” 
  • “The surge of new gun owners from all walks of life clearly shows that there is a vast reserve of U.S. voters who want to see their fundamental rights protected. To support them, pro-self-defense organizations like the USCCA for Saving Lives Action Fund are helping to register, educate and mobilize gun owners this election season. These freedom-loving Americans must grow into a highly motivated voting bloc that not only casts ballots in November but also organizes in their community and gets others involved.” 

Read the full op-ed via the Daily Caller.

About Us: The USCCA-FSL Action Fund is an advocacy and education organization dedicated to creating citizen lobbyists through empowering responsibly armed Americans. We provide a national platform to help make responsible gun owners’ voices heard in Washington D.C. and in state capitals around the country. 

Stay updated by visiting USCCA For Saving Lives Action Fund’s website and follow us on X and Facebook to stay informed.
