USCCA-FSL Action Fund

Engage With Your Lawmakers

We will provide you with tools and opportunities to engage with your elected representatives.

Education And Training

We will work to influence the greater good by promoting responsible firearm education and training.

Grassroots Advocacy

We will work to promote and protect your fundamental right and responsibility as an American citizen to be engaged in the political process.

The USCCA-FSL Action Fund is an advocacy and education organization dedicated to creating citizen lobbyists through empowering responsibly armed Americans. We provide a national platform to help make responsible gun owners’ voices heard in Washington D.C. and in state capitals around the country.  

Our mission at the Action Fund is to launch educational and advocacy campaigns to give responsibly-armed Americans the tools and opportunities they need to engage with their elected representatives in order to promote and protect the Second Amendment.  We will serve as a platform to amplify the stories of everyday American gun owners who have stepped up to be their family’s first line of defense.

Katie Pointer Baney

Executive Director and

Chairman of the Board

A Note from Katie Pointer Baney

“A Republic if you can keep it”. Benjamin Franklin spoke these words leaving Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention in 1787. As Americans we are blessed to live in the freest and most prosperous country this world has ever known. Yet with these incredible freedoms comes tremendous responsibility. It is our responsibility, each and every one of us, to engage, to educate, and to fight to protect our fundamental rights and the freedoms that make this country a beacon of freedom to the world.

We launched the USCCA-FSL Action Fund because we heard from thousands of gun owners like you who are looking for an organization to do things differently. We are working to empower YOU. 

Record numbers of Americans are exercising their Second Amendment right and looking for leaders who will fight to protect our families and our communities. We must empower them to get involved, elevate their voices, and ensure Americans vote to protect our constitutional rights.

The USCCA-FSL Action Fund will spearhead campaigns that highlight the cultural importance of responsible gun ownership; working to promote and protect the Second Amendment for generations to come. We will work to represent American gun owners nationally and promote the importance of our fundamental right to self defense.

In my role, I commit to advocating on behalf of all American gun owners as we work toward our goal of influencing the greater good and safeguarding our Constitutional Republic.