Op-Eds 10/16/24

Harris’ Rhetorical Shift on Guns Reflects Widespread Support for Self-Defense

In her campaign to become the next president of the United States, Vice President Kamala Harris has undergone several significant policy shifts, none more stark than her recent stance on firearm ownership. On the debate stage and in interviews with influential figures like Oprah and on “60 Minutes,” Harris has emphasized her identity as a “gun owner,” despite having spent her career advocating for policies to restrict the rights of gun owners. 

As San Francisco’s district attorney, Harris supported Proposition H, a measure that would have banned all handguns in the city had it not been struck down by the courts. This contradiction highlights a broader trend; roughly a third of Americans, including many Democrats, own firearms, reflecting a diverse coalition that values self-defense and personal safety. Harris’ campaign has not clarified whether, as the Democratic presidential candidate, she still supports a handgun ban, including the one she currently owns.

If there was any ambiguity about her true stance on the Second Amendment, it was further revealed two years later when she signed an amicus brief in the D.C. v. Heller case, asserting that the Second Amendment does not protect an individual’s right to keep and bear arms and that Washington, D.C., could enact a total ban on handguns. 

During her 2020 presidential campaign, Harris’ anti-gun rhetoric was unmistakable. She called for circumventing Congress to impose executive orders for her gun control agenda and even supported the confiscation of firearms, to which then-candidate Joe Biden responded that such actions would violate the Constitution.

As Election Day approaches, it’s clear that Harris is attempting to appeal to a wide array of voters. With millions of law-abiding Americans becoming gun owners in recent years, her claims of gun ownership may not align with her historical policies. While publicly embracing her Glock, her record in office suggests a much different narrative.

This highlights why it is crucial for gun owners to be informed as they head to the polls in November.

Over the past four years, the Biden-Harris administration has consistently pushed for more laws and regulations that target law-abiding gun owners. Their advocacy for “red flag” laws, now enacted in over 20 states, signals a troubling trend of undermining due process and Second Amendment rights. These laws risk misuse, infringing on constitutional protections. 

Harris has stated, “I own a gun for probably the reason a lot of people do — for personal safety.” Yet violent crime remains unacceptably high in many areas, underscoring the failure of lenient crime policies favored by progressive leaders. This surge is particularly pronounced in cities with the strictest gun control laws, revealing their ineffectiveness.

Furthermore, Harris has condemned “stand your ground” laws, which are essential for self-defense and empower law-abiding citizens to protect themselves from life-threatening situations. Her opposition to these laws effectively diminishes Americans’ ability to safeguard their lives and their families.

Read the full Op-Ed from Townhall HERE.